For those coming here from reddit or similar, I’ll come clean. I had high expectations for this book. As a physicist myself, a book about a physicist using the scientific method to put some hard rules to magic and delve into the mechanics had me almost giddy with excitement. So I dove into this book, and, I’ll be frank, came away disappointed.
The book follows the MC, Will. In another fun coincidence, Will works at Fermilab in Chicago. Fun fact, I still have a Fermilab login, and every six months they hassle me to do the most painful password reset, despite the fact that all I ever use them for these days is access the internal wiki from the Dark Energy Survey, of which I am a member. Initially, this was great. Another connection between me and the MC.
The author has Will talking about code, the training dataset used for his AI, and his particle physics work. As an aside, I am also a software engineer (and worked as one for a handful of years), and I currently do work in AI and machine learning in the renewable energy domain. And that’s how I know that the author, Dominic, is probably not that familiar with AI, nor coding, nor physics. Which is totally fine. Expecting people to only write about subjects they are a subject matter expert in is ridiculous. But, for any other coders out there, you probably feel my pain when you watch CSI and and you hear “I’ll create a GUI interface using Visual Basic, see if I can track an IP address. Instead, you get something like this:
He injected the Mirrored IDs into the neuromantic portion of his counter-attack, switching ports as the multi-vectored branches of arcane lightning finally connected with the enemy.
Like sure, I don’t expect someone to have all of the knowledge, but better in my mind to keep it simple but correct, instead of jumping down the rabbit hole and saying things which are incorrect. Dominic, if you ever read this, I’m always happy to act as a consult, and I know book two is still being developed (and I will be reading it). As an example, the premise of the black hole trigger is super interesting, why ruin it by saying that if black holes became small enough, they would turn into white holes? That’s not how Hawking radiation works, and it’s not even needed as a plot device.
But anyway, lets put that to the side, because once Will goes isekai mode, the inaccuracies of modern physics and code should be a minimal issue. I just wanted that scientific exploration of a magic system. Here, Will is helped by his AI companion, and I thought that was great. It’s a nice solution to crunching the number to have a supercomputer in your head, and I was all for it.
Okay, so let’s just break this down;.
And, I think more than any of this (spoilers below):
The AI which is the only character other than Will for about half the book just crashes and effectively disappears midway through, as soon as there is another character Will can converse with. Will doesn't even seem worried, doesn't spend time trying to figure out what happened, and the AI is still gone at the end of the book. How is that you can have the main secondary character just vanish and barely address it?Look, I really wanted to love this book. I really wanted a novel where someone exploits the hell out of a fantasy magical system using modern knowledge and scientific methods. But this doesn’t scratch that itch at all for me.
That all said, it is fun, it was a good read, and I will be reading book two.
Most of my quibbles above are me coming in with expectations that are probably higher than your average reader, simply because of my background.
I hope that book two does delve more into that scientific approach to exploring the magical system, because that is what I’m looking for most of all in this series.