Visualising with Basemap

6th August 2019

Plotting DES institutions in a beautiful way

I’m scheduled to give a talk for the Dark Energy Survey - a massive collection of researchers, engineers and institutions working together to try and constrain the nature of Dark Energy. To help give my presentations some pizzaz, I thought it would be nice to visualise the spread of institutions around the world that makes DES the wonderful organisation that it is.

Wheres the data

Unfortunately… I had to collect it by hand. Going through the DES website, writing down each partner, manually gettings its latitude and longitude (yes I know there’s an API, but that would have taken longer). You can find it here.

import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv("desinstitutions\institutions.csv")
0FermilabFermi National Accelerator Laboratory41.840944-88.279393US
1ChicagoUniversity of Chicago41.788536-87.598960US
2UIUCUniversity of Illinois41.865848-87.645245US
3NCSANational Center for Supercomputing Applications40.115045-88.224302US
4LBNLLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory37.875526-122.252252US

Using basemap

Le’s start with just a generic outline.

import os
# Sorry about this, shouldn't have install it in the root env, but ah well
os.environ['PROJ_LIB'] = r'C:\Anaconda3\pkgs\proj4-5.2.0-ha925a31_1\Library\share'
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def get_base_fig():
    # Lets define some colors
    bg_color = "#000000"
    coast_color = "#333333"
    country_color = "#222222"
    plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))

    m = Basemap(projection='cyl', llcrnrlat=-80,urcrnrlat=90, 
                llcrnrlon=-170, urcrnrlon=190, area_thresh=10000.)
    m.fillcontinents(color=bg_color, lake_color=bg_color, zorder=-2)
    m.drawcoastlines(color=coast_color, linewidth=1.0, zorder=-1)
    m.drawcountries(color=country_color, linewidth=1.0, zorder=-1)
    m.drawmapboundary(fill_color=bg_color, zorder=-2)
    return m

  from ipykernel import kernelapp as app


Great. It a pain to remove the larger rivers, involves downloading a new shape file, so we’ll live with it.

Add the dots

Let’s see what it looks like if we just add some dots, with each country having a unique colour.

import numpy as np

colors = {
    "Australia": "#FFB300",
    "US": "#1976D2",
    "UK": "#4DD0E1",
    "Germany": "#98e63e",
    "Spain": "#E91E63",
    "Switzerland": "#FB8C00",
    "Brazil": "#43A047",
    "South Africa": "#8956e3",
    "Chile": "#f74f98"

def get_scatter():
    m = get_base_fig()
    # Loop over each country and its institutions
    for country in np.unique(
        c = colors[country]
        subset = data.loc[ == country, :]
        m.scatter(subset.long,, latlon=True, c=c, s=4, zorder=1)
    return m

  from ipykernel import kernelapp as app


I mean… it’s nice. But cool graphics glow. So let’s put in a super nasty manual glow effect, and then replot the scatter point in translucent white above it. To do this, we’ll create one hell of a meshgred. Efficient… no. Easy… still no.

from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap as LSC

def get_shaded():
    m = get_scatter()
    # Compute the limits and mesh
    x0, y0 = m(-170, -80)
    x1, y1 = m(190, 90)
    xs, ys = np.linspace(x0, x1, 2000), np.linspace(y0, y1, 2000)
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(xs, ys)
    zs = []
    scale = 1.2  # The size of the blur

    for country in np.unique(
        # Find the colour and create a smooth colour ramp
        c = colors[country]
        cmap = LSC.from_list("fade", [c + "00", c,"#FFFFFF"], N=1000)
        subset = data.loc[ == country, :]
        # Find a vmax that looks good on all countries
        vmax = min(2, 0.7 * subset.shape[0]**0.7)
        # Compute the mesh values
        z = np.zeros(X.shape)
        for row in subset.itertuples(index=False):
            x, y = m(, row.long)
            dist = ((x - X)**2 + (y - Y)**2)**0.25 # Sharp falloff
            z += np.exp(-dist * scale)
        # Show the mesh and add the white dots
        m.imshow(z, origin="lower", extent=[x0,x1,y0,y1], 
                 cmap=cmap, vmax=vmax, zorder=2)
        m.scatter(, subset.long, latlon=True, c="#FFFFFF", 
                  alpha=0.8, s=2, zorder=3)
    # Set the title, and make the background black
    plt.title("DES Institutions around the world", fontsize=14, 
              color="#EEEEEE", fontname="Open Sans")
    fig = plt.gcf()
    return m

  from ipykernel import kernelapp as app


Great, well that’s something I would call good enough for now. Of course… it would be better if it was animated. But that is definitely not something I intend to do in a notebook! In fact, I’ve done it already, you can see it below:

For your convenience, here’s the code in one block:

import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv("desinstitutions\institutions.csv")
import os
# Sorry about this, shouldn't have install it in the root env, but ah well
os.environ['PROJ_LIB'] = r'C:\Anaconda3\pkgs\proj4-5.2.0-ha925a31_1\Library\share'
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def get_base_fig():
    # Lets define some colors
    bg_color = "#000000"
    coast_color = "#333333"
    country_color = "#222222"
    plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))

    m = Basemap(projection='cyl', llcrnrlat=-80,urcrnrlat=90, 
                llcrnrlon=-170, urcrnrlon=190, area_thresh=10000.)
    m.fillcontinents(color=bg_color, lake_color=bg_color, zorder=-2)
    m.drawcoastlines(color=coast_color, linewidth=1.0, zorder=-1)
    m.drawcountries(color=country_color, linewidth=1.0, zorder=-1)
    m.drawmapboundary(fill_color=bg_color, zorder=-2)
    return m

import numpy as np

colors = {
    "Australia": "#FFB300",
    "US": "#1976D2",
    "UK": "#4DD0E1",
    "Germany": "#98e63e",
    "Spain": "#E91E63",
    "Switzerland": "#FB8C00",
    "Brazil": "#43A047",
    "South Africa": "#8956e3",
    "Chile": "#f74f98"

def get_scatter():
    m = get_base_fig()
    # Loop over each country and its institutions
    for country in np.unique(
        c = colors[country]
        subset = data.loc[ == country, :]
        m.scatter(subset.long,, latlon=True, c=c, s=4, zorder=1)
    return m

from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap as LSC

def get_shaded():
    m = get_scatter()
    # Compute the limits and mesh
    x0, y0 = m(-170, -80)
    x1, y1 = m(190, 90)
    xs, ys = np.linspace(x0, x1, 2000), np.linspace(y0, y1, 2000)
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(xs, ys)
    zs = []
    scale = 1.2  # The size of the blur

    for country in np.unique(
        # Find the colour and create a smooth colour ramp
        c = colors[country]
        cmap = LSC.from_list("fade", [c + "00", c,"#FFFFFF"], N=1000)
        subset = data.loc[ == country, :]
        # Find a vmax that looks good on all countries
        vmax = min(2, 0.7 * subset.shape[0]**0.7)
        # Compute the mesh values
        z = np.zeros(X.shape)
        for row in subset.itertuples(index=False):
            x, y = m(, row.long)
            dist = ((x - X)**2 + (y - Y)**2)**0.25 # Sharp falloff
            z += np.exp(-dist * scale)
        # Show the mesh and add the white dots
        m.imshow(z, origin="lower", extent=[x0,x1,y0,y1], 
                 cmap=cmap, vmax=vmax, zorder=2)
        m.scatter(, subset.long, latlon=True, c="#FFFFFF", 
                  alpha=0.8, s=2, zorder=3)
    # Set the title, and make the background black
    plt.title("DES Institutions around the world", fontsize=14, 
              color="#EEEEEE", fontname="Open Sans")
    fig = plt.gcf()
    return m
